Monday, 20 January 2025

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

 We hear in the First Reading: "... for this day is holy to the Lord; and do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength." (Neh 8: 10) The people are weeping as they contemplate the ruins of the Temple while listening to the beauty of the Torah. Every Sunday we hear of God's mercy and his marvelous deeds, especially in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ. We too need to locate the joy of the Lord surrounded as we are by the ruins of a Catholic culture which has been smashed by a tsunami of secularism and materialism. We cannot go backwards just like the Jews could not re-establish what was there prior to their exile to Babylon. We need to build on the foundations laid by God that will bring about an even greater time of conversion and faith. Let us be filled with the joy of the Gospel and inspired by Pope Francis to live out our missionary discipleship, just as the Jews were given courage and consolation by Ezra the scribe.

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