Sunday, 29 December 2024

Feast of the Epiphany

 The manifestation of the birth of the Messiah to the Gentiles takes the form of the Magi visiting the Holy Family, who we celebrated last Sunday. This is not unusual in Scripture to effectively have the same thing happen but to different people. We heard before Christmas of the Annunciation to Our Lady as well as the Annunciation to Joseph. In the former it was the archangel Gabriel and, in the latter, it was in the form of a dream.  We have Pentecost to the Jews at the feast of Pentecost and then the bestowal of the Holy Spirit on the God-fearers at the house of Cornelius. The question I have in mind is how about me? When was the Messiah manifested/revealed to me? When and how has Jesus been revealed to me? Perhaps I need to pray for that manifestation? After all, Jesus did promise the Holy Spirit to those who ask for him since God is the best of fathers: "If you then who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him." (Lk 11: 13) 

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