Monday, 18 November 2024

Feast of Christ the King - 34th Sunday in Ordinary Time

 The line absent from the gospel today is the question of Pilate to Jesus: " 'What is truth?' " (Jn 18: 38) In a world where it seems objective truth is more and more seen as unobtainable; we can feel edified that Jesus stood before the might of the Roman Empire and refused to be intimidated. Our faith in Jesus Christ tells us that he is the "Lord of lords and King of kings." (Rev 19: 16) This is both due to his personhood in the Holy Trinity such that all Creation was made through him and his resurrection: "Then comes the end, when he (Jesus) hands over the kingdom to the Father. after he has destroyed every ruler, and every power. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death." (1 Cor 15: 24-26) True, our faith is a sure and certain hope in things not seen, but the inbreaking of the Kingdom in our hearts and lives gives us an unshakeable conviction that Jesus and no other power or person rules history and the world and is the ultimate arbiter of truth.

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