Monday 1 May 2023

5th Sunday of Easter

 Today's First Reading gives us a precious insight into the early community of "The Way" who were later called "Christians" (Acts 11: 26). The earliest of these people had experienced the Lord in person. In his presence they felt safe, as he was indeed the Good Shepherd. However, risen from the dead and ascended into heaven the community has to find its way guided by his teaching, example and the sacraments. Sure, it also has the Holy Spirit to guide it by there are still so many things which remind them of their feeble humanity. Without the Good Shepherd to guide them in person would they disintegrate and splinter into factions before disappearing from history at the first sign of persecution? We hear that: "...the Hellenists (Greek speaking Jews) complained against the Hebrews (Aramaic speaking Jews) because their widows were being neglected in the daily distribution of food." (Acts 6: 1) Ethnic jealousy threatened to tear the early community apart! We then hear of the leadership of the Twelve who consult with the community and arrive at a solution to avoid discontent. Like the Early Christians we have tensions and conflicts in our community. It is necessary that we learn from them and be attentive to Pope Francis' teaching on synodality, we strive to live according to the Gospel in mutual and life giving charity.

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