Wednesday 1 May 2019

4th Sunday of Easter

Today is often referred to as Good Shepherd Sunday. It is an opportunity for the faithful to remember the importance not only of Christ the "Good Shepherd" but also those whom he calls to act as shepherds of the flock which is his Church. We are also asked to financially support our seminarians in their studies With the turmoil and scandals of the present time many voice are raised to challenge both the need for and nature of ordained ministry. To this end it is necessary to reiterate some of the non-negotiable aspects of the ordained:

 - "The reservation of the priesthood to males, as a sign of Christ the Spouse who gives himself in the Eucharist, is not a question open to discussion..." (Evangelium gaudium, 104)

 - The common priesthood of the baptized and the ordained priesthood: "differ from one another in essence and not only degree..." (Lumen gentium, 10) Therefore, the distinction re non-ordained and ordained is not made on the basis of function but on how each vocation is for others.

 - This diversity in the priesthood is not found in Christ but in the mode of participation in his priesthood (Ecclesiae de mysterio, 1).

 - "The ministerial priesthood is necessary for a community to exist as 'Church.' " (Ecclesiae de mysterio, 3)

 - Extraordinary ministers within the liturgy by definition exist outside of the hierarchical ministry with which they are called to cooperate: "Temporary deputation for liturgical purposes... does not confer any special or permanent title on the non-ordained faithul." (Ecclesiae de mysterio, Article 1)

 - "... priests as co-workers with their bishops, have as their primary duty (Latin: primum officium) the proclamation of the Gospel of God to all." (Presbyterorum ordinis, 4) Thus, the proclamation of the Gospel and the homily are as much a part of the duties of the priest as the praying of the Eucharistic Prayer.

Hopefully, these doctrinal pointers help us to understand why the ordained ministry is not a dispensable or man-made aspect of the life of the Church but is integral and essential to her being. This, furthermore, should encourage is to promote and pray for vocations to the priesthood.

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