Sunday 30 December 2018

The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

My attention is taken by the Second Reading for today where St Paul sees fit to refer to two aspects of the Incarnation when speaking of God's plan for salvation. He could have simply written "When the fullness of time had come God sent his Son in order to redeem those who were under the law" however he interpolates: "born of a woman, born under the law." That Jesus was born of a woman is the truest testimony of his humanity. Paul does not say he was born to a human father rather the reference point is to Mary and since Jesus is God then Mary as his mother must be Mother of God. Yet, she is truly a woman and not a God/dess. Often people refer to the Greek expression of Theotokos - "the God bearer" however the sheer physicality of pregnancy and birth as well as all the attendant responsibility of care for a baby should not be downplayed. Thus, in this brief reference, the full impact of God's plan for humanity with Mary as the second Eve comes to bear. Both Mary's humility and glory are simultaneously manifested. In referring to "the law" Jesus Jewishness, as well as that of Mary, is affirmed and places Jesus firmly within the promise of salvation, given by the Old Testament, so that in the resurrection Christ might fulfill the purpose of the Law and lead the whole of humanity to its heavenly destination.

Image result for theotokos

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