Tuesday 9 February 2016

1st Sunday of Lent

This week the Church gives us, it being Year C of the Lectionary cycle, the temptations of Jesus in the desert according to the Gospel of Luke. This episode has several reference points which indicate the significance of what Jesus is doing. First, in his humanity Jesus is capable of being tempted and as vulnerable to the insinuations of evil as any human being is. It highlights that Jesus has freedom and can choose as opposed to being some automoton. Second, in the exchange with the devil both sides quote form the Bible with Jesus answering from the Book of Deuteronomy. Even the devil is capable of quoting Scripture! In doing so it is clear that Jesus is being subjected to the hardships experienced by the Israelites during their 40 years in the desert yet with the change that Jesus does not yield. He remains true to the Father and will not take the easy way out. Third, he sets all Christians an example. Jesus relies on the Scripture to resist the lure of propsperity, power and fame. Since he has succeeded we too are asked to trust in God's promises and not take the easy way when confronted with those things we know to be wrong.

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