Saturday, 2 January 2016

Feast of the Epiphany

The depiction of the "three wise men" evolved over time to show gorgeously caparisoned kings with a great retinue of servants which overwhelms the humble Christ child and his parents of humble means. Like programmes, in which we are dazzled by the fashions or looks of the characters rather than attending to the story line, we can miss the point. The wise men had all of the technology of the time at their disposal but they still needed the Jewish Scriptures. They may have been rich and learned yet it is a humble child to whom they must give homage. Importantly, once they have found Christ they no longer neeed riches nor the help of Herod nor the Jewish scriptures as they have Christ. They return to their home country by another way. Are we still hanging out for a salvation that comes other than from Christ? Are we scandalised by the Cross or the ordinariness of our everyday lives in which God's grace is present and active? Once we have Christ we need no other. What we need to do is journey deeper into the mystery of Christ and to experience his presence and grace in our lives on a daily basis. In that way we will not require self-help books and commentaries but we will be guided by Christ himself through the Scriptures the Tradition and the Magisterium of the Church.

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