Tuesday 13 August 2024

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

 The gospel narrative today shows us that the group who had followed Jesus has gone from admiring his healing power to murmuring against him and now disputing among themselves. Jesus has been progressively revealing the full implications of his messianic identity. His mission is not only about healing, politics and feeding but also giving his life for the sake of the world. This is most radically revealed in the communion with him through partaking of his flesh and blood: "... for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me and I in them." (Jn 6: 54-56) This is amazing for us even post resurrection and with the evidence of all the Eucharistic miracles even up to the present day. How much more difficult it would have been for Jews in the First Century. the indwelling of Christ through the Holy Eucharist is a mystery that we should never cease to be in awe of. Pope St John Paul II tells us that the Eucharist is a sacrifice-sacrament, a presence-sacrament and a communion-sacrament. In our celebration today let us recommit to opening ourselves to Christ and receiving the fruits of this amazing sacrament so that the joy of the Gospel my truly be manifested in our lives.

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